Christ Canyon Fellowship

Our fellowship is overseen by a council of elders. Our desire is to cultivate communion with the Living God: Father, Son, and Spirit by increasing awareness of and affection for His manifold glories.
Our Approach
We want to be instruments to shape glad hearts that rejoice in the goodness and glory of Christ. We want to encourage vibrant and warm devotion to the Lord employed and evidenced by the normal means of grace: the Word and prayer along with water, bread, and wine. The result being that saints rest in God’s fatherly acceptance, provision, and faithfulness; trust in the Son’s righteousness, death, and resurrection; and walk in the Spirit’s guidance, power, and fruitfulness.
Our approach is to develop rightly-ordered loves that spring forth rightly-ordered lives. From Ezekiel 34:16, we want to imitate the Lord’s ministry of seeking the lost, bringing back the strayed, binding up the injured, strengthening the weak, and bringing down the prideful.
We strive for biblically-faithful, Christ-focused, Spirit-empowered, gospel-proclaiming preaching aimed at hearers beholding the glory of God, transforming into the likeness of Christ, and walking in step with the Spirt. We want our preaching to be expositional (clear description of what the text says), instructional (helpful explanation of the text and theology), engaging (variously illustrated from Scripture, history, and life), and personal (purposeful application to the mind, heart, and will).